Earlier this July 2015, Arai held a press launch for their new flagship helmet, the Corsair-X. Assembling a group of journalists, Pro-motorcycle racers, distributors and VIPs, Arai provided a track day at Thunderhill Raceway in Willows, California to test out their new top-of-the-line racing motorcycle helmet on a fleet of new Ducati 899 Panigale's. Tires were provided by Pirelli and gear support by Alpinestars.'s Contributing Editor, Jim Downs went out for a couple laps.
Episode title | RideApart: Doing Laps with Pros and the New Arai Corsair-X Race Helmet |
Episode number | 11 |
Date added | August 12, 2020 |
Original date | July 30, 2015 |
Run time | 6:03 |
Category | Feature magazine |