Why hasn't F1 changed to a different type of engine for 2022? After all, they're changing a huge amount of the car, including a whole new aero concept. Formula 1 has stuck to Turbo-Hybrid V6 engines despite fan criticism over the power units, so Jake Boxall-Legge takes a look at the 3 criticisms over the engines - the sound, the cost and the "electric" argument, and states why F1 has made the right decision over it's 2022 Turbo-Hybrid V6 engine setup.
Season | 2021 |
Episode title | 3 Reasons Why Formula 1's 2022 Engines Are Still Turbo-Hybrid V6s |
Episode number | 469 |
Date added | September 21, 2021 |
Run time | 4:45 |
Category | Racing coverage |